I was a bit disappointed to discover that the following code doesn't compile in C# 4. In particular, it seems that as the 'Thing' property is only a getter on the interface, any concrete implementation should be able to return a derived type, since it can be guaranteed that anyone getting the parent type from the interface will also be able to operate on the child type.
class Thing { }
class SpecificThing : Thing { }
interface IThingContainer
Thing Thing { get; }
class SpecificThingContainer : IThingContainer
public SpecificThing Thing { get; set; }
I think what you want here is
IThingContainer where T:Thing
class SpecificThingContainer : IThingContainer which can be cast to IThingContainer without difficulty.
Sure it isn't 'nice' but it bypasses the specific problem...
I should have hit preview - all my generic parameters got eaten by the html formatting engine...
This time with braces instead of angle brackets...
IThingContainer{T} where T: Thing
class SpecificThingContainer : IThingContainer{SpecificThing} which can be cast to IThingContainer{Thing} as needed.
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